Josh is doing pretty well, he made the first 29 hours and is stable. He still has his intubation tube in but is thankfully breathing on his own. They will try to take the tube out tomorrow and start trying to wake him up to see how he is feeling. I know all our prayers are being heard and have been put into effect, what an amazing thing to watch. It is still very critical but we have every hope that he will fight and we have faith that God will back him up. Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts and please continue sending prayers his way.
Thanks so much,
Hey Aunt Kay you know we are there is spirit, standing firm on God's promises! Continue to draw from the strength God is giving you so you can be strong for Joshy :)
Love ya,
Tessa, Keaton, Keeci, Kloie, Kannyn, Koen and little one
Kaylyn: your family will be in my prayers daily.
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